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 NGO Registration

NGO has actually really established itself in the registration of other organizations to help them prosper in their operations. This consultancy also has specialists in the tech world such as in IT, insurance coverage, trade and organisation along with in clinical research study. These specialists are always ready to offer the technical 'understand- how' and support when needed. Finally, initiation, operation and management of projects for other non-governmental companies is likewise the function of NGO consultancy.

Trust Registration 

In conclusion, we have actually seen that many companies are not able to pull out their complete potential in fund raising and are entrusted to incomplete jobs that do not help the desired community or those in need. NGO consultancy therefore serves as a link or intermediary between other smaller NGOs in India and works hand in hand with the central federal government to guarantee that only legit non-profit companies are conducting their operations. 


Rajiv Raj

Employee of Crystal Consultancy

It also offers permits and needed registration certifications according to Foreign Contribution Policy Act (FCRA). Those who want to sign up provide the needed documents and info to prove how real they are as mentioned by FCRA.

Crystal Consultancy,45B,Hasanpur Main Road,1st Floor,I.P.Extension,Patparganj,Delhi-110092.
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